Home Assembly kit Thermoplastics TECHNIPOL PA162 MENU LINEA SOLLINI + Footwear accessories Zippers and closures Elastic ribbons Fabrics Yarns Interlinings Insoles, toe caps and counters Micro-pak Assembly kit Abrasives products Gun nylon threads Liquid adhesives Tacks Thermoplastics Finishing products Tools Packaging Scheda tecnica disponibile TERMOPLASTICO TECHNIPOL PA162 GIALLO 4.2 cod. 1301225006 Scopri di più TERMOPLASTICO TECHNIPOL PA162 GIALLO cod. 1301225005 Scopri di più Technical sheet available for TECHNIPOL PA162 [en] Fill out the form below. Technical sheet will be sent to the specified email address. Choose an item number TERMOPLASTICO TECHNIPOL PA162 GIALLO 4.2 TERMOPLASTICO TECHNIPOL PA162 GIALLO × Seleziona una variante × Salva note