cod. 2001035054

Designed for all those situations that require flexibility and versatility, the YKK coil zip can be used for both the most challenging fabrics as weel as the most delicate applications. 

Within the range, the invisible zipper sizes 2, 3 and 5 are extremely strong and indispensable in women's clothing and every other application where the zip must not be noticeable.

Coil zip 3, 5, 8, 10 designed to meet the latest zip trends in fashion, technical clothing, footwear and street-wear offer many solutions for tapes as well as metal effet chains, and combinations whilst at the same time keeping the right balance between looks and versatility, strength and resistance to wear.

Tipo: cerniera
Largh. catena: 5
Tipo cursore: YKK
Finitura cursore: -
Lungh.: 27
Doppio cursore: no
Divisibile: no
Brushed: no
A colore: no
Metallizzato: -

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Item thumbnail 2001035054 CERNIERE CIFC56 27 YKK
Item thumbnail 2001035054,501 CERNIERE CIFC56 27 YKK COL.501 BIANCO
Item thumbnail 2001035054,560 CERNIERE CIFC56 27 YKK COL.560 BLU
Item thumbnail 2001035054,568 CERNIERE CIFC56 27 YKK COL.568 MARRONE
Item thumbnail 2001035054,570 CERNIERE CIFC56 27 YKK COL.570 TDM
Item thumbnail 2001035054,576 CERNIERE CIFC56 27 YKK COL.576 GHIACCIO
Item thumbnail 2001035054,580 CERNIERE CIFC56 27 YKK COL.580 NERO
Item thumbnail 2001035054,863 CERNIERE CIFC56 27 YKK COL.863 VIOLA
Item thumbnail 2001035054,916 CERNIERE CIFC56 27 YKK COL.916 EBANO
Item thumbnail 2001035054,Y224 CERNIERE CIFC56 27 YKK COL.Y224 FANGO
Item thumbnail 2001035054,916FF CERNIERE CIFC56 27 YKK COL.916(ferro)EBA

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