cod. 3141968016

57% cloro - 43% carbonio-idrogeno

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Item thumbnail 3141968016 NASTRO FPVC/10 COL. m/pla
Item thumbnail 3141968016,CARAM NASTRO FPVC/10 COL.CARAMELLO (17) m/pla
Item thumbnail 3141968016,FUXIA NASTRO FPVC/10 COL.FUXIA (3) m/pla
Item thumbnail 3141968016,PAGLI NASTRO FPVC/10 COL.PAGLIA (12) m/pla
Item thumbnail 3141968016,ROSA NASTRO FPVC/10 COL.ROSA (16) m/pla
Item thumbnail 3141968016,TRASP NASTRO FPVC/10 COL.TRASPARENTE (1) m/pla
Item thumbnail 3141968016,VIOLA NASTRO FPVC/10 COL.VIOLA (10) m/pla
Item thumbnail 3141968016,ARAFL NASTRO FPVC/10 COL.ARANCIO FLUO (7) m/pl
Item thumbnail 3141968016,AZZUR NASTRO FPVC/10 COL.AZZURRO (8) m/pla
Item thumbnail 3141968016,BEIGE NASTRO FPVC/10 COL.BEIGE (14) m/pla
Item thumbnail 3141968016,BEIGS NASTRO FPVC/10 COL.BEIGE SCURO (15) m/pl
Item thumbnail 3141968016,CELES NASTRO FPVC/10 COL.CELESTE (11) m/pla
Item thumbnail 3141968016,GIALL NASTRO FPVC/10 COL.GIALLO (5) m/pla
Item thumbnail 3141968016,GRIGP NASTRO FPVC/10 COL.GRIGIO PERLA(13) m/pl
Item thumbnail 3141968016,GRIGS NASTRO FPVC/10 COL.GRIGIO SCURO (9) m/pl
Item thumbnail 3141968016,ROSSO NASTRO FPVC/10 COL. ROSSO (4) m/pla
Item thumbnail 3141968016,VERFL NASTRO FPVC/10 COL.VERDE FLUO (6) m/pla
Item thumbnail 3141968016,MACUL NASTRO FPVC/10 COL.MACULATO (18) m/pla
Item thumbnail 3141968016,ROSCH NASTRO FPVC/10 COL.ROSA CHIARO (2) m/pla

Technical sheet available for NASTRO FPVC/10 COL. M/PLA

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